A New Show, a New Adventure in Producing!

A New Show, a New Adventure in Producing!

by Michael Dempsey I RECENTLY SAT DOWN WITH FRED AND RANDI STERNFELD to get an update on their adventures in the world of theatre producing. They’d had a whirlwind time over the last 3-4 years as co-producers of the sensational musical Be More Chill - first...

From Center Theatre Group: “The Legacy of Lucy Simon”

From Center Theatre Group: “The Legacy of Lucy Simon”

From the Center Theatre Group blog: How the Tony Award-nominated composer of The Secret Garden lives on through music, gardens, and cake A new production of The Secret Garden opened at Center Theatre Group this week, one of the first major productions of the Tony...

What a Time It’s Been! A conversation with Randi and Fred Sternfeld

What a Time It’s Been! A conversation with Randi and Fred Sternfeld

by Michael Dempsey Fred and Randi Sternfeld have been my friends for a long time. I’ve acted in Fred’s shows, taught and directed at Hathaway Brown Theatre Institute, and I’m his web designer. They’ve supported my directing and writing ventures as well. Randi was an...

The secret to large?  Small.

The secret to large? Small.

Big musicals, by their very nature, often require mass spectacle. But people regularly see productions of great size that leave them walking out of the theatre shaking their heads in puzzlement--they were impressed with the production values...why didn't they like the...

The Risks and Rewards of the “Concept”

The Risks and Rewards of the “Concept”

You're at the first read-through.  The director, with a wild gleam in his eye, leaps to his feet: "This production will be like no Fiddler On The Roof ever seen before in human history!"  Do you groan with dismay, or does your heart leap with joy? The Concept.  As a...

Review: West Side Story at TrueNorth (RAVE AND PAN)

Review: West Side Story at TrueNorth (RAVE AND PAN)

"It takes guts to stage West Side Story...big challenges, however, never faze director Fred Sternfeld, who moves large masses of people with the decisive precision of Alaric the Visigoth. And Sternfeld is the major domo of this largely successful production at the...

From Facebook

Fred Sternfeld, SDC Theatre Director, Broadway Producer, Educator
Fred Sternfeld, SDC Theatre Director, Broadway Producer, Educator6 months ago
I created this page on 6/8/2024 so there is very little information on it thus far. A lot more info is coming soon! In the meantime, please visit my website at this link - www.fredsternfeld.com
Fred Sternfeld, SDC Theatre Director, Broadway Producer, Educator
Fred Sternfeld, SDC Theatre Director, Broadway Producer, Educator6 months ago
AUDITIONS for the Clague Playhouse production of "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" will take place this September or October. More details will be announced soon!

I am directing the production. fredsternfeld.com.

Here is the stellar production team, thus far...
Music Director - Ben Malkevitch
Choreographer - Jen Justice
Set Designer - Ron Newell
Costume Designer - Sydney DeMatteis-Geib
Properties - Dred Geib
Production Manager - Jeff Lockshine
Stage Manager - Jess Hartley
Production Assistant - Charlene Hartley

From Instagram

5 months ago
5 months ago

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